Guest Episode

Episode 21: 5 Things Therapists Wish You Knew

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Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

I just got done recording this episode with Maryellen Dance, a licensed mental health counselor that I met years ago. We just recently reconnected in a local mastermind group and I just knew she was someone I wanted to bring on and share with you all. You’ve all heard me talk about therapy and what an important role it plays in my life, my development, my growth, my relationships and its funny because with me being so open about it, I really have seen how many preconceived notions we carry around about what it means to go to therapy, what qualifies us to have to go to therapy, etc, etc, -- so get excited, because this episode is jam packed full of good tidbits about what therapists wish you knew about therapy and how it might change your perception of who therapy is for, and how to go about getting started.

[1:20] Maryellen introduces herself and shares her story about where she was before she was a therapist, how she discovered she wanted to be a licensed mental health counselor and her journey in her career to where she is now.

[5:55] 1. Maryellen and I talk about the fact that therapy is for everyone. This might be the biggest misconception about therapy, that the only people who need therapy are people with serious mental health disorders and people who are currently in a state of crisis. However, Maryellen and I talk about how just how we maintain our wellness when we aren’t sick or our fitness when we aren’t overweight, it’s good for us to maintain our health, through therapy, even when we aren’t in a state of crisis.

[10:00] 2. We discuss the stigma that therapy is given due to Hollywood’s portrayal of it. Therapists want you to know that it’s not a cold process with an old man sitting behind you while you lay on a chaise lounge and just list all of your problems. For Maryellen and many other therapists, they start off with their clients by introducing themselves and helping them to feel comfortable and connected with their therapist.

[15:30] 3. Therapists want you to know that it really is up to you how often you attend therapy and that it can be variable depending on seasons of life. Sometimes during crisis, you may attend therapy weekly, and during times of maintenance, you may only choose to go once a month or even less frequently.

[17:30] 4. Maryellen stresses the importance of finding the right counselor for you. She also encourages us to keep looking for the right therapist even if the first or second one isn’t right for you. It’s worth it to find the person that you feel comfortable with. We also take a look at what you should look for in a therapist’s qualifications and where you can go to begin finding a therapist.

[21:00] I take us on a sidetrack to discuss virtual therapy, what it is, and why it might be helpful for certain people.

[23:30] 5. Therapists are real people. They aren’t perfect and they don’t want you to think they are. While it isn’t appropriate for them to disclose themselves to you, they do want you to understand their personalities and who they are enough that you are comfortable with them and that you understand they are people with problems, just like you.

[26:00] 6. We have a bonus point that is the fact that your therapist isn’t judging you. They have a desire to help you and they have seen all sorts of different situations. They are not sitting there judging you, and they want you to feel free to ask them for help, no matter what.

I hope you enjoyed this episode with Maryellen Dance, and I hope that we’ve been able to help you see therapy in a new light and given you some things to think about as you consider pursuing therapy in whatever capacity might be right for you right now. Be sure to connect with Maryellen on her social media channels or reach out to her via email if you have any questions.

Connect with Maryellen Dance


Instagram: @maryellendance

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Episode 19: Facing Rejection Therapy

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Episode 11: Using the DISC to Hire with Dr. Ed Gigliotti

Episode 11 Using the DISC to Hire with Dr. Ed Gigliotti

Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

I can’t thank you all enough for the support of this podcast! It makes my heart soar to hear how it’s impacting your life and business! Your reviews are so helpful to make sure I am providing the valuable content you’re wanting to hear. Leave a review, screen shot this episode, and share it with others!

Today is a really big deal! I love listening to interviews and I love to share and learn from other people who are excelling. When I recorded Episode 3 – Three Reasons You’re Not Making Your First Hire, I got the idea of who my first guest would be, and it was only confirmed when you guys asked for more information on hiring. I knew I had to bring on my husband, Eddie, Ed, Papa, aka Dr. Ed Gigliotti. Before I bring him on to share his favorite hiring tool, I have to share a little about him. He has grown his chiropractic office from the ground up. He knew no one here in Rochester in 2013, and today, he's one of the top chiropractors in the state. In the six years he’s been open, his business has exploded, and he has perfected his systems and hired an incredible team. Today, he’s on to share his favorite hiring tool, the DISC assessment along with practical tools for making your next hire.

[4:55] Eddie and I start off sharing a little about what the DISC assessment is. We talk about the theory behind it that centers on four personality traits: dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance.

[5:45] Eddie shares how he got into learning about and studying the DISC assessment. He shares how his own interactions with his team lead him to search for a way to hire the best people for the work he needed. He wanted to best serve the people on his team, so they could provide the best service to their clients.

[8:05] Eddie and I spend the next several minutes digging deep into each of the four characteristics and what different traits tend to show up in each category. We discuss their strengths as well as their fears. We also share stories of how we’ve learned to better interact with these different people on our own teams as we’ve become more understanding of the DISC assessment.

[17:00] We recommend you start by taking the DISC assessment for yourself. You can take it for free from WizeHire. Find out who you are and how you’re showing up, and then offer it to people on your team, whether that’s business or family.

[18:00] Eddie and I introduce four ways you can use the DISC assessment as you begin to figure out roles you may need to fill on your team and how to find the right person to fill it.  

[19:00] 1. Look at your job description and decide who would find the most success in that role. You want to make sure that you are putting people in the right role, otherwise you’ll have great team members get burnt out because they are doing the wrong job.  

[24:40] 2. When you get a good resume in response to your ad, request that they take the DISC assessment and send it back to you. This will give you more clarity on who is excited about the job and who would be a good fit.

[27:00] 3. Review each person’s DISC assessment before setting up a phone interview with them. Review the information so that you are able to communicate with them in the best way possible, and so you can decide what additional information you’d like to find out on the phone interview.

[27:40] 4. Have a phone interview to validate the DISC assessment. Use pointed questions that will allow you to clarify and validate the results of their assessment. This will allow you to make sure you want to take the time to bring them in for a full, in house interview.

[29:27] – Eddie shares one last piece of advice on how to start using the DISC tool now, with your current employees and team members before you start implementing it as a hiring tool.

Utilizing the DISC tool when you are looking to hire, and with your current team or family has unlimited value for you. Remember, do not label yourself your one DISC trait. It’s great to know yourself better, and it helps the relationship you have with your team, but you can also use this information about yourself to grow and change as you pursue you.

Links from Today’s Episode

WizeHire Free DISC Assessment

Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Rochester - Dr. Ed Gigliotti

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I am grateful you were here for today’s episode! To make sure you don’t miss out on future episodes, I encourage you to subscribe to the podcast. Click here to subscribe on iTunes.

In order to help others find this podcast and help inspire them, I would love for you to leave a review of the podcast. Share something that motivated you, or something that helped you re-frame the way you approach your life and goals. I’d love to hear how you’re pursuing your best self. Click here to review the show on iTunes. You can go to “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”. Your comments are greatly appreciated!

More Episodes You’d Be Interested In

Episode 3: 3 Reasons You’re Not Making Your First Hire

Episode 6: Good Enough to Move On

Episode 5: Pursue You Picks: The ONE Thing