Episode 19: Facing Rejection Therapy

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Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

In Episode 15, I shared about asking for what you want. I went through the simple steps of understanding why it’s important to you, getting clear on what it is you want and then making a plan to just ASK for it. But, in our conversations, and from what I know to be true in my own life, there’s this extra LITTLE piece that presents a huge challenge to us. We can literally do everything right, we know exactly what it is we want to ask for, why it’s just so, so important to us, but sometimes, our fear of what the reaction will be on the other side, paralyzes us. Today I want to share some advice I’ve learned about how we can help ourselves overcome this fear of rejection and it’s in the form of a little game called rejection therapy.

[2:00] – I share a story about Jia Jiang’s speech at the Global Leadership Summit detailing his 100 days of rejection projects that started from Jason Cromley’s rejection therapy game. Jai’s plan was to spend 100 days getting rejected for something each day and videotaping it to learn more about how to handle rejection.  

[5:15] – I talk about how sometimes rejection opportunities highlight the fact that we aren’t always afraid to ask a specific question, it’s more the fear of just being told no for any reason.

[8:55] – I share about Jai’s experience asking a stranger for $100 and he realized that any time he faced rejection, he just ran. What are the places that you fear rejection, and keep you from engaging, or when you finally do, do you just accept the no and run away?

[12:00] – I point out that often we are afraid of putting people out with our questions without thinking about the fact that other people are actually looking for a way that they can bless someone else.

[15:30] I challenge you to think about how your response to rejection is impacting your life.

Episode 15 lays the foundation for how to ask for what you want, but I hope understanding the fear of rejection and how this idea of rejection therapy can help with that final step of asking AND staying engaged. By not being afraid to ask and staying engaged you can generate a YES in response OR turn an initial no into a yes. Find your next failure, find your next rejection...every time you do you’re getting yourself closer to your next YES and helping you pursue you in the process.

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