Episode 20: 3 Ways to Use Video in Your Business

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Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

Today we’re talking about video. If you’ve been in a business or you’ve had some big growth, even if it’s just been a little while, it’s always so fascinating to go back and look on what you were doing years ago. Whether it be 10 years ago, 5 years ago, even last month, what did your days consist of? What were your priorities and your habits? How did you run your life and business together? One of the things I look back on so often is the early days of my real estate career. I was 22 years old. I had moved out of my parents’ house and joined a real estate brokerage and was clueless about it. One thing though I am so proud of, thought, is that early on in my business I started to incorporate video into my branding, my marketing, my service to clients, and it has always been a big part of my business. Over the years, it’s morphed. Whether it be from the business growing, myself growing, or just technology and the change in modern marketing, but I feel like it’s had a dramatic impact on my business and that’s why I want to share it with you today. I want to show you how you might be able to incorporate it into your world and business.

[2:34] I share first the three ways that I’m going to suggest you start using video in your business. The first way that we are using video is in branding and general marketing. The second is how to use it for lead generation and the third is as a service.

[2:50] I start off talking about branding and where I’ve used video for branding in the past and how you can incorporate it. I share a little bit about my story starting out in my real estate career and how being broke and clueless led me to my video brand strategy.

[7:30] I talk about what this video branding looked like for me 10 years ago. I wanted to share this part of my story with you so that you know that your videos don’t have to be anything fancy or hi-tech. You just need to start doing it. Find the value that you can offer your clients and start sharing it.

[12:10] I share how my videos caused people to see me as an expert in real estate, and that is how I ended up branding myself despite the challenge of my youth and inexperience early on in my career.

[23:30] Moving on to how to use video for lead generation and bringing in new clients, I share how you could use it in real estate to set yourself apart from all of the other agents responding to inquiries, as well as ways other business owners can use video to make a deeper, more personal connection.

[27:25] – I share ideas on how to incorporate video into the service you’re providing. I share a little about how we use it in our real estate team and how my husband uses it in his chiropractic business, as well as other ways you can use it no matter what sort of business you’re running.

Have I given you enough ideas? These are just a few tips that can help get you started using video in your business. Whether it be through branding, lead generation, or enhancing your service, there are so many different ways that can be unique to you. It is all about building that know, like, and trust factor. It is all about getting reach to new people and hitting your audience with content that is adding value to their worlds. If you want, you can subscribe to our Friend Team mailing list and visit our website, check out the Friend Team Real Estate page on Facebook and see how we are using it in our business. We’ve got more things in the works! I encourage you to think outside the box and see the incredible potential to accelerate building your know, like and trust factor through getting your good lookin’ self on the camera!

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